Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why do I sometimes have white heads on the inner lips of my crotch?

Occasionally I will get white head pimples on the inner lips of my vagina. Not the labia, but the inner lips. Is there a reason for this? I am very clean, and I usually use baby wipes to wipe myself after I go to the bathroom, and then toilet paper to dry up the baby wipe. I don't know why I get these pimples. Should I be concerned or is this normal?Why do I sometimes have white heads on the inner lips of my crotch?
If there is a possibility of an STD, you should talk to your Dr. But, most likely they're just cysts. You can pop them if you want, just make sure you wash your hands and the area well to avoid infection. You can also use warm water and Epsom salt soaks to help bring them to a head.Why do I sometimes have white heads on the inner lips of my crotch?
It could be an irritation from the wipes.

Or if you're using a wipe every time you use the bathroom, then a dry wipe too you might be removing all the natural fluids from the area and then leaving it extra dry. When I've had these pimple-like bumps down there it's been because it was so dry.
i don't think its anything to be really concerned about but i do think its something you might want your doctor to see he or she might be able to tell you why and what they exactly are.

Good Luck and God Bless
okay baby wipes...

are for babies!

try using vagasil wipes that are made for grown women

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