Saturday, December 26, 2009

Whats works well for Eczema around the lips?

My daughters lips get red and puffy when she gets a breakout of eczema and the sides of her lips get cracked.Whats works well for Eczema around the lips?
Eczema can be cured with allergy tablets just observe the things which causes the condition to flare upWhats works well for Eczema around the lips?
You may have cheilitis and not eczema.
go to a doctor and ask,

constantly apply some strong lip healing stuff, ask a doctor about this too because it might irritate it instead of help it...

use Vaseline, at least at night before bed, it would be better if she used it all day
There are a few things that you might have:

1) irritant contact dermatitis from licking your lips so much

2) perioral dermatitis

3) atopic dermatitis

As someone had previously mentioned, Elidel or Protopic would be a good option for you. these are non-steroidal creams. Steroid creams in this case (especially if you are fair-skinned and blush alot) can be leading to a steroid addiction syndrome, so stay away from steroids (like hydrocortisine) the best you can.

I also think that an oral antibiotic may help you and this inflammation. A good choice would be doxycycline or erythromycin. Ask your dermatologist.

or try allergy tablets....
Consider using Skin Original, a natural skin care treatment for eczema, psoriasis and other skin disorders. I and my family use it and it is really great. It is worth buying as it gives positive results with its very affordable price. Try now and see for yourself its effectiveness.

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