Sunday, April 25, 2010

My lips are burning what should I do?

First of all I have crohns disease and in the past I had ulcers in my tongue.

A week ago I have been eating Doritos and popcorn like crazy(many movies),after like 3 days my lips start burning a lot and the sides of my lips have small cuts and is hurtings.

Does any body have a idea?My lips are burning what should I do?
My dermatologist told me to never, ever use carmex, as did the pharmacist as it dries out the skin more.

I was told to just slather on the vaseline petroleum jelly. It moisturizes but doesn't really doesn't get rid of all the burning (in my own experience) but it does cut it down quite a bit.

I have also found that brushing teeth and rinsing with water after every snack, especially spicy foods, helps cut down on the burning.My lips are burning what should I do?
Drink too much water can solve your problem.I think your body need a lot of water.
PAY the fire/emergency services,some LIP service!
Put vaseline on your lips that will heal them.
Carmex works great!
I too have Crohn's disease and get really dry cracked lips. I always use carmex when my lips are like this. I did not realize this was a side affect of the Crohn's.

Thanks for the info. every little bit helps
try cutting a tomato in half and place them on your lips, its an old remedy. or just put desitin..
Drink a LOT of water continuously and maybe apply some vaseline if it is still irritated.
Carmex is great!
i recommend you go see a doctor.....your lips might me ulcerating too

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