Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do I get AIDS or any other disease if I kiss my husbands lips?

Do I get AIDS or any other disease if I kiss my husbands lips?

How to kiss with tongue? I never tried it. We always kiss the lips not with tongue.Do I get AIDS or any other disease if I kiss my husbands lips?
You can't get AIDS from kissing your husband on the lips. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids like cervical mucus and semen. And you can only contract a disease if your partner has it already, it won't just appear out of nowhere.

To kiss with tongue just open your mouth a little, just enough to stick your tongue out while you're kissing each other. Then you can slip your tongue into his mouth and/or his tongue into your mouth. I love the sensation. Try it out, and see what works for you two and figure out what you like!

Have fun ;)Do I get AIDS or any other disease if I kiss my husbands lips?
Would it were so, you have missed a lot. Though I doubt the veracity of the statement, and question the verisimilitude of the poster, just in case I'm wrong:

You have sexual intercourse with your husband, and that's okay, but kissing with tongue isn't? Odd culture. Next time you're having sex, do what comes natural with your mouth. Part your lips and see what happens.
HIV (or aids) can be passed through kissing but is not likely.

An STD like Herpes can most definitely be passed through kissing.

Here is a good link for that and many other answers.
i study aids and hep b and it depends does your husband have aids?:s and you have to drink at least 2 pints of saliva to catch aids(disgusting i know ) and you can catch it if you both have a cut , its highly catchable blood to blood
does he have AIDS/HIV? does he have any other sexually transmitted disease? if not, then no you cant get it.

well since the both of you dont have any of that then it's safe to kiss the lips and use your tongue too :)
No, you will not get AIDS from your husbands lips.

You will develop your own technique for kissing with tongues.

You have had sex?????????
Let me get this right. You have never french kissed YOUR HUSBAND? WHAT? that's the funniest thing I have ever heard. and you cant get aids from him if he does not have are you high?????????????????????????
If you actually were a married adult you would already know thir answer and you would have already kissed your friggin husband! ugh I hate liars!
you just play with their tongues and no you can't get anything from kissing except mono but that's not likely
No. AIDS isn't transmitted that easily.
You actually can if he has aids and his mouth is bleeding.. otherwise no you can't
if you don't have it then you can't get or give it.

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