Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My daughter ate too many kiwies and her lips are all dry and cracked what do I do now?

Her lips are really dry and I know it's not the cold outside and she told me ';I think I ate to many kiwis and the citric acid burned my lips'; thats exacly what she said. I've tryed lip chap and stuff like that and it's not helping.My daughter ate too many kiwies and her lips are all dry and cracked what do I do now?
It will go away on its own but that is what happened to me, when I ate this pickle it was really sour acidity and my lips and mouth were really sore and dry and had a rash, so I just put Vaseline on my lips and it eventually helped.My daughter ate too many kiwies and her lips are all dry and cracked what do I do now?
That's actually not citric acid. Kiwis have a natural chemical in them called Calcium Oxalate. It's nothing serious, although when eaten it causes itching, light burning, soreness and such to the tongue, lips, and mouth. It goes away without harm... unless you have way too much at once.. Report Abuse

Keep trying the chapstick or possibly vasaline. Have her drink lots and lots of water and/or milk. She needs to dilute the citric acid.

1 comment:

  1. Ok tell her to lick her lips every single day wash them with soap!!!! This is what i do by regular lip gloss from the store the color eye shadow you want and the mix the two together with vasellene and you can cut up some chap stick and throw it in while mixing or even lip stick and mix it good really good it comes out silky so put it in a jar.... oh yea tell her before she puts it on lick her lips and not the stuff i said because it has vasellene in it the eye shadow is perfectly safe on her lips im a 12 year old girl i do it all the time i hope your reading this please try you will get some great trying to go all over and tell people this.....thank you!!!!!!
