Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My girlfriend lets her little dog lick her lips. Often she wants to kiss me after. Is this normal?

I think it's really gross she makes out with her dog, But she doesn't care because she loves that dog. I like pretty much everything about her but she won't budge on this one issue. What would you do?My girlfriend lets her little dog lick her lips. Often she wants to kiss me after. Is this normal?
Just tell her that it bothers you, lol, that's disgusting.My girlfriend lets her little dog lick her lips. Often she wants to kiss me after. Is this normal?
yeah that sounds pretty gross. if that was me.. and i really liked him (since im not lesbian) then i would just tell him that it bothered me and tell him what he does in his own time is his business but to not do it around me. (in a somewhat nicer way though) i myself am a dog lover but i do not let them lick my mouth. you can also try avoiding going to her place.
I think its cute, but if you wouldn't let the dog lick you on the lips then I wouldn't kiss her. If she does, just say, ';Oh you have something on your lips'; or ';I'd rather not kiss you after you kiss the dog, just my opinion';.
She loves her dog, but i see where your coming from. Just let her know that when she plans on kissing you, that she on dog kissing rehab.

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